Friday, December 17, 2010

Cool Lecture Videos: Introduction to Multiagent Systems

I think its really cool that a Professor would spend some time giving lectures which are accessible for everyone by using the web. While studying the multiagent system (MAS) subject, I found a set of lectures uploaded on youtube by one of the Gurus in the MAS, Michael Wooldridge of University of Liverpool. Its just great to feel his enthusiasm in delivering the talk.

If you browse down his youtube channel, you will be able to browse all videos. Starting from video 02-06 the formalization of the MAS discussion starts. The videos with lower serial numbers are more conceptual. It just brilliant. For me learning from videos is more effective, more time efficient, and more fun. You can fast forward the things you already understand, and you can rewind the things that you find difficult to grasp. It is just awesome. I think more lectures should be uploaded more to the internet. Global students should be able to learn from global professors and be mesmerized :p Anyway, I embed also an interesting video uploaded by Prof. Wooldridge. Enjoy :)

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