Monday, July 18, 2011

10 Pepatah Bijak Jawa

Copas dari milis, pengingat yang berguna :p

1. "Urip Iku Urup"
Hidup itu Nyala, Hidup itu hendaknya memberi manfaat bagi orang lain disekitar kita"

2. "Memayu Hayuning Bawana, Ambrasta dur Hangkara"
Manusia hidup di dunia harus mengusahakan keselamatan, kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan; serta memberantas sifat angkara murka, serakah dan tamak.

3. "Sura Dira Jaya Jayaningrat, Lebur Dening Pangastuti"
Segala sifat keras hati, picik, angkara murka, hanya bisa dikalahkan dengan sikap bijak, lembut hati dan sabar.

4. "Ngluruk Tanpa Bala, Menang Tanpa Ngasorake, Sekti Tanpa Aji-Aji, Sugih Tanpa Bandha"
Berjuang tanpa perlu membawa massa; Menang tanpa merendahkan atau mempermalukan; Berwibawa tanpa mengandalkan kekuasaan/ kekuatan/ kekayaan/ keturunan; Kaya tanpa didasari kebendaan.

5. "Datan Serik Lamun Ketaman, Datan Susah Lamun Kelangan"
Jangan gampang sakit hati manakala musibah menimpa diri; Jangan sedih manakala kehilangan sesuatu.

6. "Aja Gumunan, Aja Getunan, Aja Kagetan, Aja Aleman"
Jangan mudah terheran-heran; Jangan mudah menyesal; Jangan mudah terkejut-kejut; Jangan mudah kolokan atau manja.

7. "Aja Ketungkul Marang Kalungguhan, Kadonyan lan Kemareman"
Janganlah terobsesi atau terkungkung oleh keinginan untuk memperoleh kedudukan, kebendaan dan kepuasan duniawi.

8. "Aja Kuminter Mundak Keblinger, Aja Cidra Mundak Cilaka"
Jangan merasa paling pandai agar tidak salah arah;Jangan suka berbuat curang agar tidak celaka.

9. "Aja Milik Barang Kang Melok, Aja Mangro Mundak Kendo"
Jangan tergiur oleh hal-hal yang tampak mewah, cantik, indah; Jangan berfikir mendua agar tidak kendor niat dan kendor semangat.

10. "Aja Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna"
Jangan sok kuasa, sok besar, sok sakti.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Netlogo runs faster in windows than in ubuntu - Lesson learned from simulation try outs

Hi Everyone..

It's been quite a while since the last blog posting... This weekend I have been busy doing Netlogo simulation's try outs. Since I have 2 machines (1 old desktop and 1 laptop) in my home, I'd like to know which one will bring better performance in terms of computation speed. Moreover, I have an access to a remote machine (server) from a good colleague (lets call him "Master of Ninja Turtles", hahaha..). However, based on the try outs run in my local machines, I decided not to continue the try out using the remote machine. This performance test will be useful in determining the machine I should use in doing future simulation runs.. The following picture portrays the result, sorry about the censors.. hehehe..

The result of the performance test is shown in the figure below. 3 machine setups are tested for running the exact simulation scenario. As shown, based on my experience, the Netlogo simulation duration explodes when we use ubuntu. It seems that Netlogo is optimized for windows OS and not for ubuntu OS.

Here are some chat records that I extracted from the discussion (about the result) that I had with the "Master of Ninja Turtles".

Me: "before i thought that everything will run faster on linux... but its not always the case or?"

Master: "no, it really depends on the software, if I write something and optimise it on Linux, it might run slower on Windows. And vice versa"

Me: "cool master... i learned something... "

Master: "Windows has the advantage that there are more users, so companies usually create the application for windows, and support Linux as well. But they focus on windows. (makes sense to do something that benefits most of your customers) and in this case I guess the sun vm would also make a difference, but I don't know how much"

OK Have a productive week everyone...!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Comprehensive Introduction to Cloud Computing & Multi-tenant Architecture

Hi, I have been exploring the internet for some useful material about cloud computing, SaaS, and multi-tenant architecture. For a novice like me, most of the articles out there are either too "geeky/ technical" or too "pop". In the end, I finally find a nice source of information from Microsoft's MSDN Library. Actually, I was expecting something better from the Google's side, but the URL I found is just too technical for me.

If you go to this URL, you can find some articles which are not so low level, yet not too high level either. Take an example, the article "Architecture Strategies for Catching the Long Tail" explains the business rationale of developing multi-tenant SaaS application (i.e. the relationship between the deployment instances and the economics of scale). Another brilliant article entitled "Multi-Tenant Data Architecture" explains nicely the issues that have to be considered in developing multi-tenant application (i.e. user management authority, data model customization for different tenants, etc). Surely there are a lot of things to explore in the mentioned MSDN library. The articles are written in 2006, and I just explored them now, what a laggard :). Anyway, in this case (transferring the SaaS - multitenancy issue and presenting them in a digestible manner to non "geek" people), I find that Microsoft is better than Google. Well, have a nice weekend everyone.

Monday, July 4, 2011

DB Schenker-Smartbox: Real Implementation - Real Time Container Monitoring

Hi.. I am just so excited, I found another video from that presents the implementation of container track and tracing concept. A representative from a German logistics giant, DB Schenker, explained about the smartbox project. Its indeed a better video than the ones i posted before :p. You should check this video out:

"DB SCHENKER smartbox – A Leading Product for Innovative Ocean Freight Transparency"

The details of the presentation are just great. The stories about location tracing, the temperature and the humidity monitoring, the g-force, the problems with outdated maps, the balance between the monitoring frequency - battery life, etc, are just overwhelming. If you are a maniac in the container transport topic, I strongly recommend you this brilliant 24 minutes video.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Container Transport Visibility & Security - Video Repost

This weekend, I have been looking for any video that might give more insight about real time monitoring in the maritime container sector. The results are two videos worth to share :p.

The first one is published by the Integrity initiatives. An EU project supported by several academic and business partners. One of my colleagues from my old office was also in the video, what a surprise :

Another video appears in one of my favourite sites: The video is presented by Wolfgang Busch from EADS Astrium. It's just great to have an explanation from a representative who understands the details of the concept's implementation. Although it is a quite brief video, you will have a feeling that the presenter is indeed a master in the field :p. Enjoy the video then :
Real-time container monitoring – a valid alternative to 100% scanning

Disclaimer: All the videos, that are posted here, belong to their owner. They are not mine for sure :)