Sunday, July 17, 2011

Netlogo runs faster in windows than in ubuntu - Lesson learned from simulation try outs

Hi Everyone..

It's been quite a while since the last blog posting... This weekend I have been busy doing Netlogo simulation's try outs. Since I have 2 machines (1 old desktop and 1 laptop) in my home, I'd like to know which one will bring better performance in terms of computation speed. Moreover, I have an access to a remote machine (server) from a good colleague (lets call him "Master of Ninja Turtles", hahaha..). However, based on the try outs run in my local machines, I decided not to continue the try out using the remote machine. This performance test will be useful in determining the machine I should use in doing future simulation runs.. The following picture portrays the result, sorry about the censors.. hehehe..

The result of the performance test is shown in the figure below. 3 machine setups are tested for running the exact simulation scenario. As shown, based on my experience, the Netlogo simulation duration explodes when we use ubuntu. It seems that Netlogo is optimized for windows OS and not for ubuntu OS.

Here are some chat records that I extracted from the discussion (about the result) that I had with the "Master of Ninja Turtles".

Me: "before i thought that everything will run faster on linux... but its not always the case or?"

Master: "no, it really depends on the software, if I write something and optimise it on Linux, it might run slower on Windows. And vice versa"

Me: "cool master... i learned something... "

Master: "Windows has the advantage that there are more users, so companies usually create the application for windows, and support Linux as well. But they focus on windows. (makes sense to do something that benefits most of your customers) and in this case I guess the sun vm would also make a difference, but I don't know how much"

OK Have a productive week everyone...!!!

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